How Creative Art and Writing can help build your business!
At this critical time, when personal contact is limited, you must find creative ways for your message to reach potential customers.
Put my 40 years of experience in art and writing to work for you. Together we’ll find new clients, expand your opportunities and increase sales.
Here’s how I can help you…
Steve’s Art
Steve has devoted a lifetime to create a
body of artwork that includes:
Pen and Ink Drawings of Buildings
Book Illustrations
Sports Cartoons
Equestrian and Pet Art
…and much more!
Steve’s Writing
Steve’s writing covers a variety of
styles and subjects. Among them:
Feature Articles
Movie Scripts
Theater Productions
Television Series
Ghost Writing
Advertising Copy
Press Releases
…and much more!
A personal note from steve about his name…

To add some fun I created a logo that looks like:
Thanks for your patience and understanding. I hope my artwork and writing provides you with some creative ideas and my name becomes something you’d like to remember.